5th Hans Grassl Award
To win the 5th Hans Grassl Award, in the spring of 2017 the civil engineering master’s students of the Technische Universität Braunschweig specialising in steel construction were given one month to design the new bridge on road L191 over the Aller River near Hodenhagen. Structural, aesthetic, urban planning and economic considerations were to be taken into account.
In March, the jury judged the work of the student teams.
First place went to Sebastian Gloth, Simon Pie, Ben Sarnoch and Tim-Marcel Joel Schmidt.
Janina Maria Brickwedde, Sissy Morawietz, Gerrit Placzek and Matthias Witt won second place.
Patrick Hofstetter, Pierre Schusser, Lars Diekkrüger and Sebastian Krooß tied for third place with Florian Begemann, Corinna Vanessa Coordes, Daniel Schaper and Wilhelm Finn Hilgendorff.