
Hans Grassl Award 2020

Winners announced

To win the 8th Hans Grassl Award, in the winter of 2019/2020 the civil engineering master’s students of the Technische Universität Braunschweig specialising in steel construction were given approximately seven weeks to design a new bridge on road ST 2242 over the A3 motorway. Structural, aesthetic, urban planning and economic considerations were to be taken into account.

At the end of January, the jury judged the work of the student teams.

Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was not possible to hold the award ceremony in its usual form. Nevertheless, the award winners and runners-up were presented with a certificate and a beautiful building plaque for their department.

First place went to Jörn Alberts, Niko Eilers, Paul Nölting and Hendik Weigel.

Hamad Alabd, Linus Paul Schmitz and Lorenz Staub tied for second place with Paul Biller, Okka Busemann, Lena Gietz and Matthias Greggers.

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