
Poeler Straße railway overpass in Wismar

Poeler Straße railway overpass in Wismar Start of construction

Construction on the Poeler Straße crossing in Wismar commenced on 5 April 2020.

The necessary removal of the existing level railway crossings is the reason for the construction measures in the centre of Wismar. A 180 m trough structure will be built in Poeler Straße. Its completion will allow the road traffic to pass underneath the three train tracks of the Port of Wismar. An overpass will carry the road over the trough in order to permit the road traffic to access the new mixed-traffic area.

The trough structure requires a waterproof excavation pit with slurry walls and an underwater concrete floor. The train tracks will be carried over the bridge on three massive WiB (rolled steel girders in concrete) girders. WiB girders will also be used for the road overpass. The massive slurry walls will act as the foundation for the structures. Railway track 150 will be opened in August 2020, while the construction is still in an intermediate construction state. The track will be carried over the excavation pit by an auxiliary bridge supported on the slurry walls.

In this project, GRASSL did the review of the preliminary design and executed the tender and execution design of the excavations, the four superstructures, the trough, the auxiliary bridge and the rainwater retention basin.



Foto © Andreas Nielsen / Eisenbahnfreunde Wismar e.V.

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