Widening of the A8 motorway
Construction progress at Pforzheim (Enztalquerung)
The widening of the A8 motorway segment at Pforzheim (Enztalquerung) is underway.
The Enztalquerung is one of the two remaining motorway segments in Baden-Württemberg still to be widened to six lanes. To remove this traffic bottleneck and improve noise protection for residents, enormous amounts of soil are being moved and impressive engineering structures erected.
We are developing the execution design for some of these engineering structures on behalf of the construction firm Strabag-Züblin. At the “Karlsruher Hang”, the retaining structure for the deepest cut of this project (approximately 25 m) is currently being built. Almost half of the reinforced concrete retaining wall has already been completed.
The widening of the motorway is expected to be concluded by December 2026.
Interested in the project? Further information can be found here:
Photos by: Strabag-Züblin