Motorway A100, section 14

Year of completion


Type of intervention

New construction

Contracting authority

Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt


New construction of a 6-lane section of the Berliner Stadtautobahn (city motorway). The planning section includes the Tunnel Ortsteil Britz with ramps, noise protection walls and one pedestrian bridge as well as the new construction of the crossing connection lane A100-102 over the Teltowkanal. The tunnel section has a length of 2,129.00 m with 1,713.00 m in an open construction method including ventilator buildings, operational buildings and water retaining areas. The crossing constructions with a length of 435.00 m are build as prestressed concrete constructions and one composite framework structure. The pedestrian bridge has span of 36.50 m as arch structure with a lower deck.



Services Grassl

Basic assessment, preliminary design, detailed design, planning for approval, construction planning, preparation of tendering, technical examination

Services provided by engineering consortium